On Saturday, actor Majid Michel and wife renewed their wedding vows after 10 years which saw in attendance celebrities from all walks of life.John Dumelo failed to attend the colorful ceremony. He has apologized to Majid Michel and wife for missing their 10 years wedding vow renewal, but the man of love words did not fail to advice Majid.
He posted the following
I'm sorry I missed your Special day yday. You know sometimes these private jets get over booked and flying commercial is stressful. But I know you had a magical "Vows Renewal" day. I've seen how you've grown to love your wife even more over the last decade even though I've know her longer than you.( don't be jealous). You guys make marriage such a sweet thing and I wish you nothing but more wonderful years together. You should remember that marriage is less about marrying the right person and more about becoming the right person. When you’re having an argument, listen to understand, don’t listen to find loopholes so you can win. Marriage is either a win/win or a lose/lose. You can’t win by "beating"someone else down. Don’t forget to laugh. Most couples spend the majority of their time talking logistics: who’s doing the house shopping, who’s calling the gardener, who’s picking up the kids. A relationship can’t survive on logistics. Have a water fight instead. Don't go to sleep when an argument hasn't been resolved. Sometimes just an "I'm sorry" would solve everything and Majid, don't forget to put the toilet seat up when peeing.#loveyouguys #willmarrysoontoook? #haveamelomoment
Source: Evershed Shola Amekor|www.bigtriceonline.blogspot.com
Read the lovely advice John Dumelo gives to Majid Michel on his 10 years vow renewal
Reviewed by Big Trice
8/03/2015 01:18:00 pm
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