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Reggie Rockstone Threatens Journalists for Defamation

Reggie Rockstone who is not happy with certain stories about him he sees ‘negative’ circulating in the media has cautioned journalists guilty of such stories to put an end to it or he will sue them for defamation.

“It is really not fair to try and tarnish the image of someone who has worked so hard to get to a certain level. I mean I have worked hard to get to where I am today and if some journalists will just want to pull me down by putting up negative stories then I won’t allow that to happen.

“How can you write a story saying Reggie Rockstone in his worst behaviour and put up pictures of me with other ladies? Just to make me look like a bad guy. Pictures I took in my club and the funny thing is among those pictures, there were some I had with my wife on that same day and time but that was not part of those selected for these particular stories,” he said.

“I have very good and powerful lawyers who will work with me and so any one who I find guilty or who circulates a story that will tarnish my reputation, I will take that person to court for defamation of character,” he added.

He further went on to talk about the fact that, he has no problem if people want to write about him because he is aware of what showbiz entails.

“I do not have any problem if people want to criticize me but it should be constructive. I understand some of these things come with the business but not when reputation is involved. In fact I thank God for the kind of woman my wife is if not my marriage would have broken,” he told livefmghana.com.

According to the VVIP member, he is not to be blamed for the kind of physique he has that attracts women to him and he believes, it is time people or the media respect the personal lives of people who are into showbiz. Reggie Rockstone is a rapper of Ghanaian descent.

He was born in the United Kingdom but lived his early years in Ghana in Kumasi and Accra.

He has been living in Ghana continuously since he pioneered the Hip-Life movement in 1994.
Source: livefmghana.com
Reggie Rockstone Threatens Journalists for Defamation       Reggie Rockstone Threatens Journalists for Defamation Reviewed by Big Trice on 7/22/2015 10:50:00 am Rating: 5

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